Month: November 2006

Happy Shopping.., er Holidays

Well I write tonight in anticipation of Thanksgiving.  What a cool holiday.  I get two days off of work.  It’s like Christmas, but without the presents. And then the next day I get to get killer deals from the consumer product pimps.  All sarcasm aside, I am really excited for this holiday and the shopping that follows.  I think I am going to get the 500 gig hard drive from office max to store all of my extra crap.

God bless Thanksgiving.

Posted by Paul

Full Sweep

What a wonderful week.  We have seen the end of the Republican majority, and the end of Allen and Santorum!  I am excited to see Pelosi and Reed control the House and Senate.  And for those Utahns who feel like they have lost their voice in congress, remember that the new Senate Majority leader is a Mormon!

Posted by Paul

HELL YEAH! Democrats control the HOUSE!

Oh is this good.  We are back in control of the House.  Plus we have pickups in the Senate.  No more Santorum; no more Dewine, and no more speaker Hastert.

Posted by Paul

Vote Today

Well today is the big day.  I heard through the grapevine that Voting machines are broken in Utah County.

Posted by Paul