
How Dayton and Obama are similar

I know this post is kind of silly, but I have been thinking about how Obama’s life story seems so real to me.  The reality of his story is evident to me because we share a similar family history.

  • Both raised in single parent homes.  My father left when I was three, and in similar fashion to Obama, I feel like I was shaped more by him not being there.
  • Mixed Racial Heritage.  My mother was white, and my father was Hispanic.  The name on my birth certificate is Paul Benitez, which clearly identifies my Hispanic roots.  When I was 12, years after the my mother’s divorce, we changed my name to the present Paul Jones Dayton.  Dayton was my mother’s maiden name, while Jones was my grandmother’s maiden name.
  • Close relationship with grandmother.  My grandma was like a second mom, or in some ways, similar to a father.
Posted by Paul in Personal, Politics, US Politics

Too Connected

Sadly there are times when I stay too connected to the world.  Mandy took this picture of me on a typical weekend, note the iPhone and the Mac.  Sometimes breakfast just can’t wait.

Posted by Paul in Personal

Paul Dayton October Update

Well it has been a while since I have posted.  I am doing ok.  Starla, Mandy and I have been sick all week.  This morning at 2:00 Starla woke up crying because she just couldn’t handle her cold and sore throat.  It is really hard to see your child in pain, but you also feel really good when you can help her feel better.

The pregnancy is going well, however it is trying on Mandy’s body.  She is having a hard time keeping her iron levels high and is on a large amount of iron supplements.  Sometimes she feels really tired and disoriented.  The good news is baby Miles is doing well.

Work is busy, but I continue to enjoy it.  This year has been a good year for my work life, with the exception of too many late nights.  I don’t think it is possible to work in IT without having to put in one’s share of late nights.

Generally speaking all is going well with the Dayton family.  I can’t wait until Miles comes in December, and I also can’t wait for the election of Barack Obama.

Posted by Paul in Personal

Life goes on.

Well it is sunday and nearly 7 P.M., which means the weeked is officially over.  I am however, extremely excited for the Democratic Convention that will consume me this week.  Sure this is a carefully staged commercial for the Democratic Nominee Barack Obama, but that is excactally what I want.

Life has been going good.  Since we returned from Vegas two weeks ago Starla had her 4th brithday.  Work has continued at a steady pace, and we have painted our master bed room.  Just another couple days in suburban America for the Dayton’s.

Posted by Paul in Global Politics, Personal, Politics, US Politics

More Pictures

Here are more pictures.

Posted by Paul in Personal

In Vegas

We made it to Las Vegas at 9 pm local time. Starla is very excited to be at what she calls “Las Begas.” My first good omen, gas is a mere 3.83 a gallon!


Posted by Paul in Personal, Star Trek

Getting Ready for the trip

My family and I will be traveling to Las Vegas tomorrow to attend a Star Trek convention. With our recent move, Mandy’s pregnancy, and my new job we have really needed a vacation. I can’t wait to go.

Posted by Paul in Personal, Star Trek

We survived church

We went to the old Mountain View 2nd ward in Payson today to see my nephew’s blessing.



Posted by Paul in Personal

Testing the blog from the iphone

So I installed this app on my iPhone that should allow me to easily blog from my phone. Let see if it works.


Posted by Paul in Personal

I hurt myself

I was running up a basketball court, when I jumped on a chair, attempted an awesome shot, and failed miserably.  Now I have a sprained ankle, in a lot of pain, and I can barely walk.  So much for being awesome.

Posted by Paul in Personal