
Redistricting in Utah 2021

This week I attended a Legislative Redistricting Committee meeting in Orem, Utah.  I presented my idea for a simple map for Utah’s Congressional districts, as noted below:

 I drew the boundaries such as it aligns with historical communities of interest, and also accounts for growth. Utah county plus the South Salt Lake County cities of Riverton and Draper are included as a single congressional district.  Salt Lake County has too much population to be in a single district so I kept the City of Salt Lake, along with the East Side in tact.  The entire second congressional district is in Salt Lake County.

Posted by Paul

Covid in Utah

I really am tired of Covid 19. Isn’t it about time we just all get vaxed and be done with this pandemic. Does it really impede our personal liberties to do what is necessary for the good of public health. We have an obligation to the good and health of others. We do not live in a bubble, what we do has a direct effect on others.

Posted by Paul

Deseret News Half Marathon

Last Friday I ran the Deseret News Half Marathon.  It wasn’t my fastest run, but I did record it with a GoPro.  Enjoy

Posted by Paul

Hail to Daylight Savings

I hate going home when it is cold, and dark. For this reason I look forward with great anticipation to the coming switch from standard time to daylight savings time. If I could have my way we would be DST every day of the year.

Utah seems like the most ideal place for this switch, given our location in relation to the rest the time zones in the United states. The Pacific Time Zone is around 100 miles east of the Wasatch Front, so when DST comes and we have the long summer months, daylight lasts for a long time, as the sun is just beginning its journey out of Mountain Time zone.

I’ve had this thought on my mind for a while, but until I started writing
this I never thought about proving it out. A quick google search proves this to be true.

Here are sun rise and sunset times as of today.

Denver may get light earlier, but who cares, it gets dark earlier.

In good old Provo, Utah the sun sets later, giving Paul Jones Dayton the late light that he loves.

Daylight Savings Time: I salute you.

Posted by Paul

At least one entry in 2016

I’ve kept this blog going for years but have really neglected it for a while. I don’t think I really intend on updating regularly, but for consistency sake and for good old tradition sake I’m posting something right now.

The last post noted I bought Star Wars tickets to the Force Awakens. Well a year has passed and I have already seen the next Star Wars move, Rogue One. Perhaps the best of the season.

I should mention that I’m extremely upset, and concerned about the future with the recent election of Donald Trump. Never in a million years would I have thought he would be president, and especially becoming it has he did, by trumping up racism. If I write here going forward, I may use it as a nice way to vent about what is going on with the presidency of the United States, and my general thoughts on the state of the republic.

That’s all for now.

Posted by Paul

Another post

Wow I have let this blog languish for a very long time. I’m going back to my old tricks and I’m going to have a wonderful promise of keeping this up to date. I’m 90 percent sure I will not live up to this promise, but we all have dreams. 

Posted by Paul

Pre Easter Awesome

Today the kids and I went to two egg hunts: the glorious Spanish Fork City hunt at the ballpark, and then the East Meadows Ward hunt.  After the hunt I met Mandy and we went to the Salt Lake comic con.  We didn’t really do much but we did have fun.

Here is my end of day selffie.


Posted by Paul